December 14, 2011

Super Hide IP Full Version

Super Hide IP | 8 MB
Tahu kah kamu apa yang dimaksud alamat IP atau IP Address? Apakah IP address kamu begitu nyata terlihat setiap kamu mengunjungi sebuah web/blog? Begitu banyak website dan hacker menggunakan IP Address untuk memonitor alamat rumah kamu dan informasi pribadi lainnya.  IP address adalah identitas online kamu dan dapat dimanfaatkan hacker untuk menyerang komputer kamu, mencuri informasi pribadi atau konsisten melakukan kejahatan terhadap kamu.

Key Features

* Anonymous Web Surfing
Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.

* Protect Your Identity
Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.

* Choose IP Country
You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.

* Send Anonymous E-mails
Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.

* Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.

Download Here :

Download Super Hide IP

Semoga bermanfaat, salam .:: herlian of ::. 

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